

Personal Project


Robotics & AI




Advanced Robot Hand

The Details

There are over 3 million people in the world who have lost at least one of their hands. Robotic prosthetic hands exist, but biologically equivalent robotic hands for amputees are still science fiction. My team seeks to change this and restore hand dexterity in amputees by giving robotic hands a brain of their own. Then amputees can signal for their robotic hand to grasp, and the hand figures out the best way to pick up the object in its path.

We have invented a new robotic hand that is both soft and strong. Similarly to a human hand, the robot hand has skin that enables it to be flexible and grippy and internal bone-like joints that provide structure and strength. Smart motors drive the hand to allow realistic movements. A camera is integrated into the palm so that the hand can see and perceive objects in its path.

We are on the 4th generation of the robotic hand design now. Experiments are in progress and showing promising results.

News & Awards

2020 Poster Competition Winner in Georgia Tech’s Career, Research, and Innovation Development Conference

2019 Poster Competition Winner in Georgia Tech’s Career, Research, and Innovation Development Conference

Georgia Tech – OMSCS Helps Glenn Cameron Build A Robotic Hand He Can Control with his Mind

Udacity – Educating the Next Generation of Roboticists